Friday, July 18, 2008

A message from our new friends :)

안녕하세요 say hello ( an nyung ha se yo)
감사합니다 say thank you ( kam sa hab ni da)
안녕히가세요 say good bye ( an nyung hi ga se yo)
얼마에요 say how much is it ? ( eol ma e yo )
부탁해요 say please ( bu tak hae yo)
제 이름은 ___ 입니다 say my name is __ ( je i reum eun ___ ib ni da)
하나님 say God ( ha na nim)
화장실이 어디에요 say where is the bathroom? (hwa jang sil i eo di e yo)

Our friends: 이화목 (Lee Hwa-mok .. means reconcile)
이요한 (Lee yo-han .. John)
typed this out for Katie and I. We had our first day here in South Korea and it already feels like we've been here for a week.

...more to come... we are at John's office at his school (Chong Shin University). They took us touring because we arrived earlier than all the other teammates.

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